
November 23, 2018

"Love your tribe" Layout | sketch

I loved creating my Halloween layout using Suzanna's sketch from The Scraproom, so I decided to play along in November as well. The sketch can be found in the November JumpStart Sketch Challenge on TSR blog. I created my own kit using papers and embellishments from my stash.

The sketch called for an embellishment cluster at the top of the page and I decided to repeat the labels as well as a word strip to repeat elements on the page. I find that repeating similar elements helps tremendously in making a page look cohesive and intentional.

By overlapping the foam words that create the title with different elements on the page -in this case the photo and the different patterned papers or placing the word sticker on the seam of two different patterned papers= I am able to connect the items and let them appear as a unit.

If you want to hear all about my thought process and why I chose certain papers and embellishments and see me struggle, please check out the process video on my process video on youtube.

Thanks for stopping in today!

November 12, 2018

"Bay Area Crop" Layout | Shimmerz Education Team

Hi Shimmerz friends, it's Simone again with another 12x12 layout. This month for the Shimmerz color challenge I picked Shimmerz "Pink-O de Mayo". I love the light pink tone of this shimmerz and also that it would work so great for cold, snowy winter layouts. However, here in the San Francisco Bay Area it cools down, but never enough for snow. So I decided to scrapbook something else instead. In September I went to my first scrapbooking crop and met some of my online friends for the very first time. I had such a great time and this layout tries to capture that feeling. I love how it turned out!

I prepped my background with white gesso and then used the Dazzlerz "Foiled Again" and a stencil by Tim Holtz to create a textured background behind the area of my photo. Look how amazing this looks. The "Foiled Again" is so sparkly, I just love it! On top of that I added the my colors and I have to admit, I just couldn't use only ONE color. I had to add some Coloringz "Pink Stiletto" as well as Shimmerz "Teal the end of time"- I just love when I can use two or more colors and create so many different shades. That's what makes using mixed media so much fun. I used a brush and the trusty packaging technique to add my color and then created the layout on top of that.

In some areas, I went back in with a brush and the paint to add even more color after I had created all the different layers in my layout. But somehow it still felt flat. I decided to just accept that when I stumbled across phrase stamps while I was grabbing my date stamp. Well, that was just the answer and when I saw the phrase "be adventurous", I grabbed my ink pad and added stamping to the background. Don't you think that it rounds off the layout perfectly?

Here is a link to my process video on youtube. If you place an order in the Shimmerz Store, don't forget to mention my name Simone in the comments at checkout to receive a free mini surprise product! Thanks for stopping by today!

Shimmerz - PINK-O DE MAYO, Teal the end of time
Coloringz - Pink Stilettos
Dazzlerz - Foiled Again

November 10, 2018

Grab 5 "Something old, something new ... " | Scale it down

When Suzanna and I tried to come up with five items for the newest edition of Grab 5, we joked about the wedding tradition that we all know: "Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue" and wondered how that would translate to scrapbooking. So we decided to make this the challenge and just add "something else" as the fifth item for the challenge. The five items I chose were: the new 6x6 paper pack from Elle's Studio, old silver alpha stickers from Studio Calico, yellow thread, a blue alpha set from Studio Calico as well as die cuts. If you want to see how I used the items on the spread, head on over to youtube to watch the process video.

Thanks so much for stopping in today! I hope you were inspired to create some simple spreads documenting your favorite memories!

November 7, 2018

November Mini Daisy Dori | Traveler's Notebook

I had so much fun working in my October Journal that I decided to make another one for November. I went with a similar formula than I did for October - I usually go by the saying: "never change a running system".

If you care to see how I went about it, here is a link to the video on youtube: November Journal Setup. Thanks so much for stopping in today!

November 5, 2018

Week 28 | Project Life 2018

Another hodgepodge of cards from Cocoa Daisy, aliedwards and feed your craft - they work together beautifully and are brought together by the phrase stamps from Citrus Twist kits. Only minimal embellishments round out this spread.

I love the look of journaling added to filler cards and had the chance to do this twice in this spread, which gives it a whimsical look. If you want to hear all about my thought process and why I placed cards and embellishments the way I did, please check out the process video on my process video on youtube.

Thanks for stopping in today!