Sweater pants originally uploaded by seemownay.
Da die Ärmel der grauen Auto-Hose von einem Kinderpullover stammen, gabs eine Knickerbocker und eine dünne Wohlfühlhose. Dem Kind passt beides und ich konnte nun die Reste der beiden Pullis getrost wegschmeißen. Hach, Klamottenrecyling macht wahnsinnig viel Spaß!
After finishing the first hat, I just couldn't waste the rest of the sweater and thought of something I could do with it. Then I had an idea: how about pants from the sweater sleeves?! I made up the pattern by myself.
The sleeves from the car-pants were from a kid's size sweater, so I ended up with knickerbockers and a pair of comfy pants. They both fit well and I was now able to get rid of the leftover fabric. I love this kind of recycling!
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